Up at the usual time for walking, even though I took the Pink Purrer. Wore a pink skivvy and my new jumper. Barrie Russek came in after I’d started work and said: “are you dressed for Harry Potter?” (Final book will be released tomorrow.) I said: “No. Thunderbirds,” and showed him my International Rescue logo jumper.
I have decided that printers are male. The laser at work has decided that on occasion it is going to groan as it prints, until eventually the paper won’t feed through. In the past I’ve cleaned it with special moist computer cleaning wipes. But I’ve run out. It’s been working good for the last few weeks… until today. Just when Donna Mischefski’s going to start using it and she’s not used to it. I tried to clean it with a dry tissue, but it didn’t work. Left a note for Charles Webster.
Then Donna sent a report to the invoice printer instead of the lineflow one. Then I sent an invoice to it and it ran out of paper… when I’ve got ¼ hour before I’ve got to leave. Then, when I was putting new paper in, the paper feeder fell off and I couldn’t get it back on again. I’m cursing the thing and Barrie’s out in the hall saying something which I could hear. In the end I gave up and went and asked what he wanted and he said: “Nothing. I’m just winding you up.” So I told him to shut up and went back to fixing the printer.
Managed to leave work at 10.45am as planned. That was after I’d tried to find Barrie to say goodbye. He didn’t answer his lights, so I went to the factory – down to the tube bending end. Anthony Fictoor thought he was down the stores end. So I traipsed down to the other end of the factory and saw Mark Christiansen. “I don’t know where he is.” So I gave up and went to Operatunity.
Operatunity was great. Music Hall. Geoff Hughes was the MC and they had Tessa-May Brown and Terry Barry as well as John Cameron and Susan Boland. Tessa-May sang “I want to sing in Opera”. She was brilliant. It must be hard to sing so well and sing flat and off key. I heard her tell someone afterwards that it was very hard to learn, and when she had learnt it and started singing it with accompaniment she’d stray back into tune again.
I hope the video turns out okay.
Had lunch at Operatunity and then headed home. We’re packing for cold weather and I didn’t even bother putting my jacket and raincoat on when I drove home. Just had my polo-neck skivvy and Thunderbirds Jumper and I was warm enough, even on the Purrer.
We finished packing, had a drink and then walked down to the i-Site, with a stop off at Operatunity to say thanks again to them.
D.C. paid her Farmers bill and then dropped off her house and contents insurance papers at Debbie Wall at AMI insurance. They’ll give us a quote when we get back.
We had an hour’s wait at the i-Site and Char-cols let us sit in their cafĂ©. We managed to get a front seat in the bus (one of the newer double deckers) and had a good trip up. I used my new noise cancelling headphones and they are good, but do seem to be faulty. Occasionally the sound would drop out or I’d get a burst of static. The battery cover doesn’t stay closed firmly either.
A couple of ladies got on at Bombay, one, who was sitting across the aisle from us on the front seats, decided that as they didn’t have far to go she wouldn’t put her seatbelt on. The driver, who was downstairs (double decker bus) gave a gentle reminder that by law if seat belts are fitted then they must be worn. She didn’t put her seat belt on and the driver said: “Would the ladies in the front seat put their seat belts on please!” He could see them through the CCTV.
There wasn’t too much traffic on the roads and we got into Auckland at about 5.15 instead of the advertised time (leave 3.30pm – arrive 6.10pm – an hour longer than usual because of rush hour traffic). So we walked down the road to Downtown and I bought a pink Mountain Design jacket. Usually $199.95, ‘only’ $99.95. Very nice Manchester (England) man served me.
To the X-Base where we booked in. I paid $90 for the twin room for tonight, plus $20 bond for the room key. Must get that back tomorrow. Room 601 – quite good because it had the stairwell on one side and cupboard on the other so we were unlikely to wake anyone at 5.00am.
Had dinner at the X-Base. I had beef lasagne and D.C. had pumpkin lasagne $8.50 each. I paid $17. Searched out a drink. Found hot chocolates at an Asian food hall. D.C. paid $4.50 each. Drank them walking along Queen Street.

Back to X-Base, repacked bags and got ready for bed. I’m on the top bunk and D.C.’s got the double down below.
The toilet is higher than I’m used to.
Time is 8.12pm and I’ll pack up for the day.

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